HERA's Ultimate Collection

2025-03-08 00:00 ~ 2025-03-11 23:59 (KST,PST+16)

OLIVE YOUNG HERA HERA The Ultimate Collection
Exclusive Benefit
Special Gift
HERA HERA Reflection Skin Glow Cushion Foundation + Spring Breeze Cooler Pouch
HERA Black Cushion Foundation + Spring Breeze Cooler Pouch
HERA Sensual Nude Gloss + Brow Clear Gel 3g
HERA Blush + Makeup Fixer 30ml
HERA Silky Stay Foundation + Spring Breeze Cooler Pouch
  • - This event is subject to change or may end early depending on our circumstances.
    - Stock is limited.
    - Free gifts are offered based on your ACTUAL PURCHASE AMOUNT (excluding shipping fees and GST).
    - Free gifts are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
    - Event period: 2025-03-08, 00:00 ~ 2025-03-11, 23:59 (KST)
    - The discount is not applicable in Japan.